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Registered population of Daegu

Daegu’s registered population is, as of December 2021, 2,412,642.
This figure is 1.37% (33,502 people) smaller than the population of December 2020 (2,446,144).

No. of Koreans 2,385,412

1.36% (32,934 people) smaller than the population of December 2020 (2,418,346)

No. of foreign residents 27,230

2.04% (568 people) smaller than the population of December 2020 (27,798)

As of December 2021, the total number of households was 1,063,893, a 0.7% increase (7.266 households) compared to the number of households in December 2020 (1,056,627).The average population per household was 2.24.

Status of registered population in Daegu

(Unit: no. of households, no. of residents)

Status of registered population in Daegu - Year, No. of households, Total (Korean, Foreigner), Avg. population per household
Year No. of households Total Avg. population per household
  Korean Foreigner
2010 934,598 2,532,077 2,511,676 20,401 2.69
2012 948,652 2,527,566 2,505,644 21,922 2.64
2014 970,618 2,518,467 2,493,264 25,203 2.57
2016 994,220 2,511,050 2,484,577 26,493 2.50
2018 1,021,266 2,489,802 2,461,769 28,033 2.41
2019 1,031,251 2,468,222 2,438,031 30,191 2,36
2020 1,056,627 2,446,144 2,418,346 27,798 2,29
2021 1,063,893 2,412,642 2,385,412 27,230 2,24